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Understanding Laravel's whereAny and whereAll: A Tutorial with SQL Examples

Understanding Laravel's whereAny and whereAll: A Tutorial with SQL Examples

  • showkat ali
  • 987 View

New in Laravel 10.47: Eloquent whereAll() and whereAny()

Laravel 10.47 introduces whereAny() and whereAll(), simplifying complex Eloquent queries for cleaner, more readable code.

Laravel provides powerful query-building capabilities with Eloquent ORM, making it easier to handle complex database queries. Two essential methods that help developers build flexible queries are whereAny and whereAll. These methods allow you to create dynamic SQL queries with logical OR or AND conditions over multiple columns.

In this manual, we will investigate:

  • How whereAny and whereAll work in Laravel.
  • Several examples with SQL queries for better understanding.
  • SEO-optimized strategies to help your blog rank higher.

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Understanding the Need

Before these additions, crafting queries involving multiple conditions often necessitated nested where clauses. While functional, this approach could lead to verbose and less readable code. Consider searching for users where the name, email, or phone number contains "test."

$search = 'test';
$users = User::where(function ($query) use ($search) {
    $query->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$search%")
        ->orWhere('email', 'LIKE', "%$search%")
        ->orWhere('phone_number', 'LIKE', "%$search%");

What is whereAny in Laravel?

whereAny is a powerful query method used when you want to retrieve records that match any of the specified conditions across multiple columns. It applies an OR condition between the columns, which is essential for dynamic searches.

Example 1: Searching Across Multiple Columns in a Laravel Application

Imagine you’re searching for users whose first_name, last_name, or email contains the keyword "Otwell". You can use whereAny like this:

$search = 'Otwell';
$users = User::whereAny(['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'], 'LIKE', "%$search%")->get();




This will generate the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM "users" 
  "first_name" LIKE "%Otwell%" 
  OR "last_name" LIKE "%Otwell%" 
  OR "email" LIKE "%Otwell%";


The SQL query searches for users where any of the columns (first_name, last_name, email) contain "Otwell". It will return results even if the term is found in just one of these fields.

Pro Tip: By using whereAny in Laravel, you can build user-friendly search functionality, which is perfect for dynamic search forms where users may not know the exact field they’re looking for.

Example 2: Searching Products by Name or Description in Laravel E-Commerce

Let’s say you want to search for products either by their name or description. You can apply the whereAny method like this:

$search = 'Laptop';
$products = Product::whereAny(['name', 'description'], 'LIKE', "%$search%")->get();




SQL equivalent:

SELECT * FROM "products" 
  "name" LIKE "%Laptop%" 
  OR "description" LIKE "%Laptop%";

This query returns products where either the name or description contains "laptop.". This is helpful for flexible searches on an e-commerce site.


What is whereAll in Laravel?

whereAll is used when you want to find records where all the specified columns meet the given condition. It applies an AND condition, meaning all criteria must be met.

Example 1: Matching All Columns with a Search Term

Consider the case where you want to find users whose first_name, last_name, and email all contain "Otwell". Use whereAll like this:


$search = 'Otwell';
$users = User::whereAll(['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'], 'LIKE', "%$search%")->get();




SQL equivalent:

SELECT * FROM "users" 
  "first_name" LIKE "%Otwell%" 
  AND "last_name" LIKE "%Otwell%" 
  AND "email" LIKE "%Otwell%";

The query returns users only if all the specified columns contain the term "Otwell". This is stricter than whereAny and requires a match in every column.

Example 2: Filtering Products by Multiple Conditions in Laravel

Suppose you want to filter products where both the name and description contain the word "Laptop". Here’s how you would do it:


$search = 'Laptop';
$products = Product::whereAll(['name', 'description'], 'LIKE', "%$search%")->get();
SELECT * FROM "products" 
  "name" LIKE "%Laptop%" 
  AND "description" LIKE "%Laptop%";


This query will return products where both the name and description contain the search term "laptop.". This ensures exact matches across both fields.

Related Resource:
Check out Laravel's Query Builder Documentation for more query-building techniques.



Combining whereAny and whereAll for Advanced Queries

In some cases, you may want to combine both whereAny and whereAll to create more advanced queries. For example, let’s say you want to find users who are either admin or editor and whose email contains "example.com". You can do this by chaining both methods:

$users = User::whereAny(['role', 'position'], '=', 'admin')
            ->whereAll(['email'], 'LIKE', "%example.com%")





SQL equivalent:

SELECT * FROM "users" 
  ("role" = 'admin' OR "position" = 'admin') 
  AND "email" LIKE "%example.com%";


The query first finds users where either the role or position is admin, and then ensures that their email contains "example.com.". This is perfect for complex filtering.

Further Reading:
Learn more about Advanced Eloquent Queries in Laravel.




Laravel’s whereAny and whereAll methods give developers powerful tools to build complex, flexible queries. Whether you're performing broad searches with OR conditions or strict searches withAND conditions, these methods offer clean and efficient solutions for various use cases.

By understanding and using whereAny and whereAll, you can optimize your database queries and handle a wide range of search scenarios in your Laravel application.

Related Resource:
Check out Laravel's Official Documentation on Eloquent Queries for a deeper dive into query optimization.



  • Programming
showkat ali Author

showkat ali

Greetings, I'm a passionate full-stack developer and entrepreneur. I specialize in PHP, Laravel, React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, and Python. I own interviewsolutionshub.com, where I share tech tutorials, tips, and interview questions. I'm a firm believer in hard work and consistency. Welcome to interviewsolutionshub.com, your source for tech insights and career guidance.


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