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Most Top Paying Technologies in 2024

Most Top Paying Technologies in 2024

  • showkat ali
  • 1266 View

Curious about which technologies will dominate the job market in 2024? Our latest blog post dives into the Top Paying Technologies in 2024, exploring the hottest trends and skills you need to stay ahead.

This article explores the top-paying technologies of 2024, their usage, and the top 5 countries where these skills are in high demand. Keep up with the latest high-paying technologies in the ever-evolving tech landscape. The 2024 Developer Survey by Stackoverflow indicates that certain programming, scripting, and markup languages stand out for their lucrative salary offerings.

`In May 2024, over 65,000 developers responded to our annual survey about coding, the technologies and tools they use and want to learn, AI, and developer experience at work. Check out the results and see what's new for Stack Overflow users.`



1. Erlang

Average Salary: $100,636

Usage: Erlang is known for its use in scalable and fault-tolerant systems. It’s highly utilized in telecommunications, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony, and instant messaging. Its concurrency model makes it ideal for systems that require high availability.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Germany
  • UK
  • Sweden
  • India

Key Skills:

  • Concurrency and functional programming.
  • Experience with OTP (Open Telecom Platform).

2. Elixir

Average Salary: $96,000

Usage: Elixir, built on the Erlang VM, is gaining popularity for its ability to handle large-scale applications with high reliability and performance. It is commonly used in web development, particularly with the Phoenix framework, as well as in real-time systems.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Brazil
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • UK

Key Skills:

  • Knowledge of Phoenix framework.
  • Proficiency in functional programming.

3. Clojure

Average Salary: $95,541

Usage: Clojure, a functional and dynamic dialect of Lisp, is favored for its simplicity and concurrency capabilities, making it ideal for data-heavy applications. It is commonly used in web development, data analysis, and financial services.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Germany
  • UK
  • Australia
  • Netherlands

Key Skills:

  • Functional programming paradigms.
  • Experience with JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

4. Nim

Average Salary: $94,924

Usage: Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language designed for efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance. It is used in systems programming, game development, and web development.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Germany
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Russia

Key Skills:

  • Systems programming.
  • Metaprogramming.

5. Ruby (RB)

Average Salary: $90,221

Usage: Ruby, known for its elegant syntax and web development capabilities, particularly with the Ruby on Rails framework, continues to be highly valued. It is used in web applications, automation, and data processing.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • Brazil
  • UK

Key Skills:

  • Web development with Ruby on Rails.
  • Object-oriented programming.

6. Perl

Average Salary: $90,000

Usage: Perl, renowned for its text processing capabilities, remains a versatile and powerful language used in web development, network programming, and system administration. It is particularly strong in bioinformatics and finance.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • UK
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Canada

Key Skills:

  • Regular expressions and text manipulation.
  • Web and system scripting.

7. Scala

Average Salary: $88,619

Usage: Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming, making it a popular choice for data processing and backend services. It is used in data-intensive applications, distributed computing, and big data processing.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Germany
  • UK
  • France
  • India

Key Skills:

  • JVM knowledge.
  • Functional programming.

8. Apex

Average Salary: $82,500

Usage: Apex is a proprietary language provided by Salesforce for building custom functionalities in Salesforce applications. It is essential for developing business applications on the Salesforce platform.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • India
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Australia

Key Skills:

  • Salesforce development.
  • CRM systems knowledge.

9. F#

Average Salary: $80,555

Usage: F# is a functional-first language that runs on the .NET runtime, useful for data processing, scientific computations, and domain-specific languages. It is used in financial modeling, data science, and analytical applications.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Sweden

Key Skills:

  • Functional programming.
  • .NET ecosystem.

10. Lisp

Average Salary: $80,555

Usage: Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages, still valued for its unique syntax and powerful macro system. It is used in artificial intelligence, academic research, and complex algorithm development.

Top 5 Countries:

  • USA
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • France
  • Canada

Key Skills:

  • Symbolic computation.
  • Artificial intelligence and algorithm development.


Additional High-Paying Technologies

  • Groovy: $79,330
  • Go: $76,433
  • Rust: $76,292
  • Zig: $75,332
  • Bash/Shell: $75,184
  • MicroPython: $75,184
  • OCaml: $75,184
  • Swift: $75,184
  • Objective-C: $73,648
  • Crystal: $73,036
  • PowerShell: $72,673
  • Lua: $72,542
  • Fortran: $70,351
  • Cobol: $70,000
  • Julia: $70,000
  • Haskell: $68,337
  • PY: $67,723
  • Solidity: $66,228
  • C#: $66,066
  • TypeScript (TS): $65,907
  • Kotlin: $65,815
  • SQL: $64,919
  • C++: $64,444
  • Delphi: $64,444
  • R: $64,444
  • VBA: $64,444
  • Zephyr: $64,444
  • C: $63,694
  • JavaScript (JS): $63,694
  • Visual Basic: $63,694
  • Java: $61,714
  • HTML/CSS: $61,485
  • Assembly: $60,834
  • GDScript: $60,684
  • MATLAB: $53,703
  • PHP: $49,586
  • Dart: $44,576
  • Prolog: $43,327
  • Ada: $42,584


In May 2024, over 65,000 developers responded to our annual survey about coding, the technologies and tools they use and want to learn, AI, and developer experience at work. The results provide valuable insights into the latest trends and shifts in the tech landscape. Check out the results and see what's new for Stack Overflow users.

  • Programming
showkat ali Author

showkat ali

Greetings, I'm a passionate full-stack developer and entrepreneur based in Pakistan. I specialize in PHP, Laravel, React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, and Python. I own interviewsolutionshub.com, where I share tech tutorials, tips, and interview questions. I'm a firm believer in hard work and consistency. Welcome to interviewsolutionshub.com, your source for tech insights and career guidance


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