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How to Create Structuring React Projects: From Beginner to Advanced

How to Create Structuring React Projects: From Beginner to Advanced

  • showkat ali
  • 789 View

Structuring React Projects: From Beginner to Advanced 

Hello and welcome! Today, we're look into the topic of React project structure, from the fundamentals to advanced strategies. Whether you're just getting started or looking for to advance, this tutorial will guide you through the process of 'How to Create Structuring React Projects: From Beginner to Advanced.' Let's started.

Initial Level: Setting the Foundation.

1.Single File Components:

  •      Start with creating single-file components for different sections like header, sidebar, and main content.

2.Folder Organization:

  •      Organize your project with folders for components, styles, assets, and utilities.

3.Component Organization:

  •       Group components into directories based on their relationships within the components directory.

4.Styling Separation:

  •      Separate styling from components using separate .css or .scss files or leverage CSS-in-JS libraries.

5.Basic State Management:

  •      Utilize React's built-in state management features and hooks for simple state management.

Intermediate Level: Advancing the Structure


  •       Divide components into smaller, reusable sections, differentiating between container and presentational components.

2.Container Components:

  •      Create a dedicated folder for container components, connecting them to state management tools like Redux or Context API.


  •      Implement routing using react-router or other solutions to navigate between views.

4.Service Integration:

  •      Set up a folder to handle API requests from external services.

5.Code Splitting:

  •     Enhance application speed using React.lazy and Suspense for code splitting.

Advanced Level: Optimizing Complexity

1.Advanced State Management:

  •        Consider using more robust state management solutions like Redux or MobX for centralized and complex state management.

2.Folder-by-Feature Structure:

  •        Organize code into feature-specific folders such as auth, dashboard, profile, etc.

3.Middleware and Thunks:

  •        Implement middleware and thunks in Redux to handle asynchronous operations and side effects.


  •      Utilize selector functions to efficiently compute derived state from the Redux store.


  •      Set up tests using Jest and React Testing Library to ensure component and logic correctness.

6.Internationalization (i18n):

  •     Implement i18n to support multiple languages if needed.

7.CI/CD Pipelines:

  •     Automate testing, linting, and deployment with CI/CD pipelines.


  •    Consider Server-side Rendering (SSR) or Static Site Generation (SSG) for improved SEO and performance.

9.Error Handling:

  •    Implement a structured error handling system for graceful error treatment and user feedback.

10.Coding Standards:

  • Maintain consistency and identify potential issues with tools like ESLint and Prettier.


Project Structure: A Blueprint for Success

A well-structured React project ensures maintainability, scalability, and code quality throughout its evolution. You may construct a sturdy and efficient React application that flourishes from its birth to advanced phases by following these recommendations and customising them to the demands of your project..

React JS Advanced Folder Structure
├── public
|     └── index.html
├── src
    ├── assets
    |     ├── audios
    |     ├── icons
    |     ├── images
    |     └── videos
    ├── components
    |     ├── Button
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── button.module.css
    |	  ├── inputs
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── inputs.module.css
    |	  ├── Modal
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── modal.module.css
    |	  └── Tooltip
    |           ├── index.jsx
    |           └── tooltip.module.css
    |     └── index.js
    ├──  db
    |     ├── productsData.js
    |     └── userData.js
    ├── layout
    |     ├── Header
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── header.module.css
    |     ├── Navbar.jsx
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── navbar.module.css
    |     ├── Breadcrumbs.jsx
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── breadcrumbs.module.css
    |     └── Footer.jsx
    |           ├── index.jsx
    |           └── footer.module.css
    |     └── index.js
    ├── pages
    |     ├── Home
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── home.module.css
    |     ├── Login
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── login.module.css
    |     ├── Signup
    |     |     ├── index.jsx
    |     |     └── signup.module.css
    |     └── About
    |           ├── index.jsx
    |           └── about.module.css
    |     └── index.js
    ├── Routers
    |     └── Routers.js
    ├── store
    |     ├── action.js  
    |     ├── reducers.js  
    |     └── store.js
    ├── services
    |     ├── api.js          // API request functions
    |     └── dataUtils.js    // Data manipulation functions
    ├── utils
    |     ├── constants
    |     |     ├── Strapi.js
    |     |     └── Firebase.js
    |     ├── helpers
    |     |     ├── arrays.js
    |     |     └── helpers.js
    |     └── hooks  
    |           └── useIsMobile.js  
    ├── .env
    ├── app.js
    ├── index.css
    ├── index.js
├── .gitignore
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── README.md



Remember that the stated structure serves as a basis that you may customise based on the individual needs of your project. Regularly evaluate and adjust your project's structure to accommodate its growth and complexity effectively.

showkat ali Author

showkat ali

Greetings, I'm a passionate full-stack developer and entrepreneur based in Pakistan. I specialize in PHP, Laravel, React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, and Python. I own interviewsolutionshub.com, where I share tech tutorials, tips, and interview questions. I'm a firm believer in hard work and consistency. Welcome to interviewsolutionshub.com, your source for tech insights and career guidance


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