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Blogs / Programming

Spatie's Role and Permission package in Laravel

Spatie's Role and Permission package in Laravel

  • Muhammad Abbas
  • 159 View

To install Spatie's Role and Permission package in Laravel, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install the package via Composer

Run the following command to install the Spatie Role and Permission package:

composer require spatie/laravel-permission

Step 2: Publish the configuration file

After installation, you need to publish the package's configuration file by running the following Artisan command:


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider"

This will create a config/permission.php file where you can customize the package's settings.


Step 3: Run the migrations


The package requires a set of database tables to store roles and permissions. Run the migrations to create these tables:



php artisan migrate




ADD In User Model

use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles;
class User extends Authenticatable{
     use HasRoles


After installation of Spatie

     * Run the database seeds.

    public function run(): void


        $user = User::create([

            'name' => 'Adminn',

            'email' => '[email protected]',

            'email_verified_at' => now(),

            'password' => bcrypt('password'),  // Make sure to hash the password






class RoleSeeder extends Seeder

     * Run the database seeds.

    public function run(): void


        Role::create(['name' => 'admin']);

        Role::create(['name' => 'user']);

        Role::create(['name' => 'writer']);



class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder


     * Seed the application's database.

    public function run(): void







After creating AdminSeeder and RoleSeeder run this command

php artisan migrate:fresh –seed

After that we create



Check for Roles and Permissions in Blade



In your Blade templates, you can use the @role@can, and @hasrole directives provided by the Spatie package to define what content certain users are allowed to see or access.

Here are some examples:

Using @role directive:


    <p>This is visible to users with the admin role.</p>


Using @can directive:

@can('edit posts')

    <p>This is visible to users who have the 'edit posts' permission.</p>


Using @hasrole directive:


    <p>This is visible to users with the writer role.</p>



Combining roles and permissions:



    <p>Only visible to admins.</p>

@elsecan('edit posts')

    <p>Visible to users who can edit posts.</p>


You can also check multiple roles and permissions with @hasanyrole or @hasallroles:


    <p>Visible to users with either the admin or writer role.</p>




    <p>Visible only to users who have both admin and writer roles.</p>




  • Programming
Muhammad Abbas Author

Muhammad Abbas

Hello! I’m Muhammad Abbas, a passionate and driven junior web developer with a strong foundation in back-end and front-end technologies and a keen interest in creating dynamic, user-centric web experiences. I honed my skills in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and developed a solid understanding of web development principles.


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