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Polymorphic Relationships in Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide with Example

Polymorphic Relationships in Laravel: A Comprehensive Guide with Example

  • showkat ali
  • 24th Apr, 2024
  • 438
  • 0

A polymorphic relationship allows the child model to belong to more than one type of model using a single association.

Polymorphic relationships in Laravel are a powerful feature that allows you to associate a single model with multiple other models in a single association. This concept simplifies complex database structures and enhances flexibility in handling relationships. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of polymorphic relationships in Laravel, along with a complete example to help you understand and implement them effectively.


Table of Contents:

  • Introduction to Polymorphic Relationships
  • Key Components of Polymorphic Relationships
  • Practical Example: Comments on Blog Posts and Images
  • Defining Polymorphic Relationships in Laravel
  • Creating Migration Files and Models
  • Implementing Polymorphic Relationships in Laravel
  • Retrieving Associated Models
  • Conclusion
  • Introduction to Polymorphic Relationships Polymorphic relationships in Laravel enable a model to belong to multiple other models in a single association. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with models that can be associated with various other models, such as comments on blog posts and images.

Key Components of Polymorphic Relationships Three key components are essential for understanding and implementing polymorphic relationships:

  1. Polymorphic Model: The model that can belong to multiple other models.
  2. Polymorphic Type: Indicates the type of model associated with the polymorphic model.
  3. Polymorphic ID: represents the ID of the associated model.

Polymorphic relationships consist of three primary elements:

  1. MorphMany/MorphOne: Defines a polymorphic relationship where a model can have many or one related models.
  2. MorphTo: specifies the inverse of the relationship, allowing the model to belong to another model on a polymorphic relationship.
  3. MorphToMany/MorphOneThrough: Extends the idea of polymorphic relationships to many-to-many and one-to-many-through relationships.

Polymorphic relationships are a type of association where a model can belong to more than one other model in a single association.

In Laravel, you can achieve this using the morphTo and morphOne or morphMany methods provided by the Eloquent ORM.

To implement polymorphic relationships in Laravel, you will need to create three database tables: posts, comments, and images.

Theposts table will store all the posts in the application.

Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

The comments table will store all the comments made on the posts:

Schema::create('comments', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->morphs('commentable'); // Add this line

The images table will store all the images associated with either posts or comments.

Schema::create('images', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->morphs('imageable'); // Add this line

Themorphs method generates the necessary *_id and *_type columns in the table to store the ID and type of the parent model.

Next, you need to define the relationships in the respective models:

In the Post model:

public function comments()
    return $this->morphMany(Comment::class, 'commentable');

public function image()
    return $this->morphOne(Image::class, 'imageable');

In the Comment model:

public function post()
    return $this->belongsTo(Post::class);

public function image()
    return $this->morphOne(Image::class, 'imageable');

In the Image model:

public function imageable()
    return $this->morphTo();

Now, you can retrieve all the comments associated with a post and the image associated with each comment:

$post = Post::find(1);

foreach ($post->comments as $comment) {
    echo $comment->comment . '<br>';
    echo $comment->image->path . '<br>';

Similarly, you can retrieve the post and comment associated with an image:

$image = Image::find(1);

if ($image->imageable_type === 'App\Models\Post') {
    echo $image->imageable->title . '<br>';
} elseif ($image->imageable_type === 'App\Models\Comment') {
    echo $image->imageable->comment . '<br>';
    echo $image->imageable->post->title . '<br>';

Similarly, you can store the post and comment associated with an image.

        $comment= Comment::create($data);
            // Store attachments
            if ($request->hasFile('attachments')) {
             $file =   $request->file('attachments') ;
                    $uniqueIdentifier = Str::random(10);
                    $filename = $uniqueIdentifier . '_' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
                    $attachmentUrl = Storage::disk('public')->putFileAs('attachments', $file, $filename);
                    $attachment = new Attachment([
                        'filename' => $filename,    // extra fields added 
                        'path' => $attachmentUrl, // extra fields added 

That's it! You have successfully implemented polymorphic relationships in Laravel.

In this example, a post can have an image, a comment can have an image, and a comment belongs to a post. By using polymorphic relationships, you can have a flexible and extensible database structure that can accommodate various associations in your application.










showkat ali

Greetings, I'm a passionate full-stack developer and entrepreneur based in Pakistan. I specialize in PHP, Laravel, React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, and Python. I own interviewsolutionshub.com, where I share tech tutorials, tips, and interview questions. I'm a firm believer in hard work and consistency. Welcome to interviewsolutionshub.com, your source for tech insights and career guidance


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