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In-Depth Guide to Laravel Validation Rules for Special Fields

In-Depth Guide to Laravel Validation Rules for Special Fields

  • showkat ali

Laravel provides a powerful and flexible validation system that lets developers ensure data accuracy, completeness, and security with ease. This guide focuses on core validation rules, field-specific validations, and regex-based customizations for various input types, covering usernames, emails, pas...

Character AI: An Overview and How It Could Affect the World

Character AI: An Overview and How It Could Affect the World

  • showkat ali

How Character AI Will Revolutionize the Way We Interact with Technology https://www.freepik.com/premium-ai-image/evil-artificial-intelligence-digital-avatar-malware-ai-generated-art_140122059.htm   What is character AI? Character.ai is an AI chatbot platform that lets users create custom...

Understanding Laravel's whereAny and whereAll: A Tutorial with SQL Examples

Understanding Laravel's whereAny and whereAll: A Tutorial with SQL Examples

  • showkat ali

New in Laravel 10.47: Eloquent whereAll() and whereAny() Laravel 10.47 introduces whereAny() and whereAll(), simplifying complex Eloquent queries for cleaner, more readable code. Laravel provides powerful query-building capabilities with Eloquent ORM, making it easier to handle complex database qu...

[ Fixed ] CSRF Token Mismatch in Laravel API

[ Fixed ] CSRF Token Mismatch in Laravel API

  • showkat ali

When using Laravel APIs, a CSRF token mismatch error is a common problem that can disrupt the flow of your application. This blog will help you understand the problem and implement effective solutions to it. Whether you are using Laravel 10 or an earlier version, these solutions will help you manage...

How to pitch in ChatGPT in Education

How to pitch in ChatGPT in Education

  • Nasir Hussain

Use of ChatGPT in Education  Chatgpt is an Artificial Intelligence tool that works on preditions based on the data fed to it or has accessed to, it is one of the best AI tools that helps you to organize your scattered ideas and assist you when you are stuck.ChatGPT is one of the best tool that...

AI in Education: Revolutionizing the Way We Learn

AI in Education: Revolutionizing the Way We Learn

  • fatima qandeel

Introduction Imagine a classroom where each student receives personalized instruction, where teachers are supported by intelligent systems, and where learning is not confined to traditional methods. This is not science fiction; it’s the reality that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing to...

Laravel 10 Eloquent whereBetween() Query: A Powerful Filtering Query

Laravel 10 Eloquent whereBetween() Query: A Powerful Filtering Query

  • showkat ali

The Laravel 10 Eloquent whereBetween() method is a convenient way to filter records that fall between two values. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as filtering products by price, users by age, or orders by date. To use the whereBetween() method, simply pass it the name of the colu...

How to install and Use CKEditor  in Laravel 10

How to install and Use CKEditor in Laravel 10

  • showkat ali

  In this tutorial, we will explore how to install and use CKEditor in a Laravel 10 project. CKEditor is a popular open-source WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor that allows users to create and edit content with rich formatting options. It is widely used in web development pr...

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Which Should You Use for Your Project

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Which Should You Use for Your Project

  • showkat ali

PostgreSQL and MySQL are two of the most popular open-source relational database management systems (RDBMSs) available today. Both (PostgreSQL vs MySQL) databases are widely used in a variety of applications, from small personal websites to large enterprise systems. When choosing a database for you...

Laravel Many-to-Many Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide

Laravel Many-to-Many Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide

  • showkat ali

Laravel, the popular PHP framework, simplifies complex database operations, making it easier for developers to create robust web applications. One of its powerful features is the ability to define relationships between different models. In this guide, we will explore many-to-many relationships in La...

Top 8 Tools to Convert code snippets to images

Top 8 Tools to Convert code snippets to images

  • showkat ali

When sharing code snippets on social media, blogs, or even in presentations, it's often more engaging to showcase the code in a visually appealing way. Rather than posting plain text, transforming your code into a beautiful image can enhance readability and attract more attention. Fortunately, there...

Types of Sentence

Types of Sentence

  • Nasir Hussain

Five Steps Lesson Plan ' Types of Sentence' for English grade 5th to 10th Objective: SWBAT identify, use, and classify sentences as declarative (affirmative and negative), interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative Prerequisite knowledge: Students should be familiar with simple sentence struc...