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How to pitch in ChatGPT in Education

How to pitch in ChatGPT in Education

  • Nasir Hussain

Use of ChatGPT in Education  Chatgpt is an Artificial Intelligence tool that works on preditions based on the data fed to it or has accessed to, it is one of the best AI tools that helps you to organize your scattered ideas and assist you when you are stuck.ChatGPT is one of the best tool that...

Unlocking the Metaverse: Navigating the Future of Virtual Realities

Unlocking the Metaverse: Navigating the Future of Virtual Realities

  • Qadir Hassan

In recent years, the term "metaverse" has sparked a colossal buzz, becoming a central focus for tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft. In this article, let's unravel the metaverse – from its cyberpunk roots to Mark Zuckerberg's visionary aspirations, exploring its potential impact on our dig...

The Future of SEO: What Happens If ChatGPT Kills Search Engines?

The Future of SEO: What Happens If ChatGPT Kills Search Engines?

  • showkat ali

The Future of SEO in a ChatGPT-Dominated World: What Happens If Search Engines Die? Search engine optimization (SEO) has long been an important component of digital marketing strategies, dictating how businesses and content creators structure their online presence to increase visibility on platform...

how to get value from quill editor : A Clear and Simple Guide

how to get value from quill editor : A Clear and Simple Guide

  • showkat ali

Getting Value from Quill Editor: A Clear and Simple Guide. Quill Editor is a useful tool for creating and editing text on websites. In this guide, we will discuss how to get the value from the Quill Editor. We will go through the basics of Quill Editor and give a detailed explanation on how to use...

Simplify Image Uploads in Laravel

Simplify Image Uploads in Laravel

  • showkat ali

Simplify Image Uploads in Laravel with the Showkiip/ImageUploadTrait Package Handling image uploads in Laravel applications can sometimes be a complex task, involving multiple steps and extensive coding. Fortunately, the Showkiip/ImageUploadTrait package streamlines this process, making it easier t...

Mastering HTTP Response Status : A Journey from Beginner to Expert

Mastering HTTP Response Status : A Journey from Beginner to Expert

  • showkat ali

HTTP response status codes are a crucial aspect of web development, providing valuable information about the outcome of a client's request to a server. Understanding and interpreting these codes is essential for troubleshooting web issues, optimizing website performance, and ensuring a seamless user...

React vs Angular: Which is the Best Front-End Framework?

React vs Angular: Which is the Best Front-End Framework?

  • showkat ali

React and Angular are two of the most popular front-end frameworks in the world. They are both used to build complex and interactive web applications. But which one is the best? In this blog post, we will compare React and Angular on a number of factors, including their features, performance, learn...

how to install node js in shared hosting server

how to install node js in shared hosting server

  • showkat ali

Node.js is a powerful runtime environment for executing JavaScript on the server-side. It's widely used for building web applications and APIs. While Node.js is commonly used on dedicated servers or cloud platforms, you can also run it on shared hosting if your hosting provider supports it. In this...

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Integrate CoinGate with Laravel 10

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Integrate CoinGate with Laravel 10

  • showkat ali

  In this article, we will look at how integrating CoinGate into your Laravel 10 application can provide a smooth payment experience for users who prefer to pay with cryptocurrency. CoinGate lets you accept payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other popular cryptocurrencies. In this...

Understanding Laravel's whereAny and whereAll: A Tutorial with SQL Examples

Understanding Laravel's whereAny and whereAll: A Tutorial with SQL Examples

  • showkat ali

New in Laravel 10.47: Eloquent whereAll() and whereAny() Laravel 10.47 introduces whereAny() and whereAll(), simplifying complex Eloquent queries for cleaner, more readable code. Laravel provides powerful query-building capabilities with Eloquent ORM, making it easier to handle complex database qu...